- 1:
- Te坊
- bf2sD352
- アナルを刺激されただけで射精することですよ。
肛門にペニスを挿し込まれて精液がドロッと出てくる図がトコロテンの製造法に似ていることから名付けられました。 - 2011/6/28 20:02:34
- [削除]
- 2:
- 初心者ウケ
- GpUlE8dc
- ウケの自分には当てはまる用語だったんですね!
納得です。 - 2011/6/28 20:19:57
- [削除]
- 3:
- 名無しさん
- KDRqQTyv
- 腐・・?
- 2011/6/28 23:04:55
- [削除]
- 4:
- 名無しさん
- p1Wb7MTt
- 他誌かに
- 2024/8/20 10:08:51
- [削除]
- 5:
- tommy04
- auYmjvMs
- Dear beginner.
Totoroken is the Japanese name for prostate massage.
The postate gland, which supplies most of the liquid in semen (cum) is produced by this gland. It is located about 8 cm inside your rectum.
If you use a finger, a top's short penis, or a mechanical prostrate massager to rub/massage it. This will make your climax much more intense.
While you can do it yourself with your finger (if you are young and flexible) most guys use a "friend" to do it (the massage) for them while they are delivering a hand or blow job.
If you are as young and innocent as your post implies you may not need it yet. But in a few years you may want to give it a try. Have fun, play safe, enjoy AND let us know if it was fun! - 2024/8/26 10:04:45
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- 6:
- tommy03
- auYmjvMs
- 1. Sorry wrong number after my name on previous post.
2. For reference the Prostate Gland is located on the "front" ventral side of the rectum. It feels like a firm bump on the "front" side of the rectum. Try it, you will like it. Hee hee - 2024/8/26 10:12:53
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- 7:
- 名無しさん
- fZac7q6q
- ↑ 私って英語読めないし〜!!
- 2024/8/26 21:43:41
- [削除]
- 8:
- tommy o3
- U6db6Ao5
- Googuru honyaku shiyou suru.
Google ほにゃく しようと する - 2024/8/26 23:11:25
- [削除]
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